Regan DuCasse
1 min readMay 21, 2024



And thank you!! From young, I didn't have a mind that was too influenced by the goal of marriage and family.

No, I was already a bright kid, that read a LOT of books, and was a born skeptic, who's curiosity about things went way beyond the predetermined role for a black girl.

And mostly, just deterred.

I've been met with too much discouragement and underestimation my entire life, and more recently, I fear a long ago trauma has permanently damaged my typical ambitious energy.

Obtaining the education I wanted, wasn't easy. In my travels, I would visit college campuses, just putting in the universe, how much I wanted to walk down a graduate's aisle in black cap and gown.

I was just thinking of the final question to my favorite game show Jeopardy!

The entire panel was all men.

The category was Legal Eagles.

The answer was "Who are the only Supreme Court justices ever, who began their careers as unpaid law clerks"?

I got the question right away. And the panel never did.

Not surprising being MEN.

It was, "Who were O'Connor and Ginsberg?"

